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Magical Creatures "Gnomes"
The first book of a series.

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Projects: Image


Magical creatures book series

I've always loved and had a passion for the whimsical and the magical. Growing up, I was fascinated with the world of tiny insects, plants, and mushrooms. I thought there must be so many magical things we just cannot see with the human eye. Maybe they're well camouflaged or are too fast for us to perceive. Or maybe they just need someone to imagine them in order to materialize. I've always had a dream of telling tales of these magical creatures and their habits and daily duties. What does a Gnome eat for breakfast? Where does a fairy hide from the rain? In this upcoming book series, and with the help of many fantasy books I've read growing up, paired with my wild imagination, I'll explore and try to answer a few of those questions. So stay tuned for some MAGICAL adventures.

Projects: Text
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